Friday, November 11, 2011

Vote for Education

Reading Sara’s article, “Creating a Brighter Future,” is about President Obama’s proposal to help students with their loans. This article was, as you can imagine, very personal to me. As a college student struggling to pay bills, the entire time I was reading this article I was shouting, “Yes! That would be amazing!” in my head. Attending ACC isn’t expensive for a kid living at home, but as I contemplate moving out, school moves further down the list of top priorities. I start thinking about what expenses will be necessary, such as rent, food, and my car, and I get frustrated, because I shouldn’t have to choose between moving out and completing my degree. The decision to help students out with their loans would be an excellent one. Sara’s point that “our future depends completely on the younger generation” is absolutely true. We shouldn’t be so burdened with making ends meet that we are unable to further our education. Without an educated society, America cannot continue in all aspects to move forward in the world.

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